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The Thelon Diamonds Projects are located approximately 300km north-northeast of the city of Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories, Canada. The company’s projects consists of three mineral leases with an aggregated area of approximately 1,633 ha held by a joint venture between Peregrine Diamonds Ltd. (70.54%) and Thelon Diamonds Ltd. (2946%).
Accessibility, Climate, Local Resources, Infrastructure, and Physiography
Access to the area is from Yellowknife, which is the main staging area for all operations in this region. Most necessary services can be obtained in Yellowknife. Access is commonly via fixed wing aircraft equipped with wheels, floats, or skis, depending on the season. From approximately mid-January to mid-April access is provided via a winter ice road which connects Yellowknife with the Diavik and Ekati Diamond Mines. This road passes within 11 km of the Project.
The Project is located within the Canadian Arctic tundra, or barren lands. For the majority of the year, the area is covered with ice and snow. Summer begins in June, when melting commences and by October winter has returned. Temperatures range from highs of around 25oC during the brief summer months, to winter lows of -45oC which are often magnified by strong, constant winds. Daylight varies from nearly 24 hours in the summer to only a few hours per day during the winter.
Geological Setting and Mineralization
The Project lies within the Slave Structural Province of the Northwest Territories of northern Canada, which is an Archean segment of the North American Craton. The Slave Province is subdivided isotopically into an eastern and a western domain. Kimberlites intrude granites, supracrustal rocks and, in some cases, diabase dykes in both the eastern and western domains of the Slave Province. To date, all economic and near economic kimberlites, including those at Ekati, Diavik, Snap Lake, Gahcho Kué, and Jericho are located in the eastern Slave Province.
Subsequent to kimberlite emplacement, the area was covered by the Laurentide ice sheet during the Late Wisconsinan glaciation, which climaxed about 20,000 years before present (B.P.). Till is the most prominent surficial sediment type in the Slave Geological Province. Glaciofluvial deposits, eskers, and outwash plains, are present in the Slave Province. In the Lac de Gras area, eskers are mainly west and northwest trending.
Mineralization in the region consists of kimberlite intrusions containing diamonds.
Deposit Type
Kimberlites found in the area are diamondiferous kimberlite pipes similar to others found in the Canadian Arctic, South Africa, and Russia.
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Thelon Diamonds Leases
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